Thursday, May 11, 2023

You will go nowhere and like it.

Is this in our future?  

You can have a car but you can’t go wherever you want whenever you want.   Cameras will look at your license plate to make sure you stay where you are told.  How many cameras will it take when climate change ceases to be the reason to control us?  And if/when everyone has an electric car and a smart meter, how far can you get when the power is out, or low, or your house has maxed out on its energy quota? 


Oxford, England plans to restrict car travel with ‘traffic filter’ trial to ‘tackle climate change’

“The introduction of ‘traffic filters’ is what you might expect in a totalitarian state, not Oxford,' The Telegraph commented.

(LifeSiteNews) — Oxford, England will be enforcing six “traffic filter” locations restricting car travel in 2024 as part of an effort to “help tackle climate change.”

During a trial run of at least six months, only buses, taxis, cyclists, pedestrians, and workers with special exemptions will be able to pass through the “filter” access points at all times without being fined, the Oxfordshire CountyCouncil and Oxford City Council explained.

Residents of Oxford and “some surrounding villages” can apply for a permit to drive through the filters for up to 100 days a year, and residents of Oxfordshire County may apply for a permit to pass through the filters up to 25 days a year.

Media coverage describing the traffic constraints as “climate lockdowns” sparked further backlash, prompting a County-City joint statement that attempted to allay concerns by assuring the public that the filters are not “physical barriers,” and that Oxford residents would “not be confined to their local area.”

Marc Morano, an author who specializes in debunking the false narratives of the “climate change” agenda and condemning its totalitarian impulses, has recently warned of coming “climate lockdowns” in which restrictions will be imposed on car and airplane travel and household energy use under the pretext of a “climate emergency,” as part of the global Great Reset.